ATCitupwithfriends: February 2023 – Intimate Moments

#ATCitupwithFriends is an ILLUSTRATION, Fantasy & Science Fiction focused Art Challenge – Trade Group hosted by Pabkins


How to Request to Participate:  You must read this Guidelines page! 

See Pabkins create some art & open ATCitUp envelopes each week on Mondays @ 10:45AM PST on my TWITCH CHANNEL!

Timeline and General info:

MAIL TO Host by: March 1, 2023 (sometimes mailing extensions are possible, message me)

Requirements: As always our normal standards apply of original 2.5 x 3.5 inch original hand drawn/colored/painted cards in your best efforts. I swap cards around based on composition, detail, and final execution. Empty backgrounds or people/objects with solid color for background, or head only cards are discouraged, please try for more. This community is made fabulous by everyone trying their best and being supportive and encouraging of each other’s growth.

February’s THEME:

Intimate Moments

That’s right you can make it as PG or NSFW as you want but please understand this is intimate moments of an ADULT theme. Several members have expressed a lot of interest in having a “fully naughty theme” so this is your chance. Go full naughty if you want! I just didn’t want to exclude anyone that is not comfortable drawing nudity or extreme intimate moments. 

Please understand that by participating in this theme you might receive return cards that have NSFW content. 

Intimate moments, what more can I say!? You must have a character and the card must capture some kind of intimate moment. That does not mean you have to draw nudity, nor does it have to be sexual or NSFW (though the general opinion of those who requested this theme wanted that – so got for it!) But it can also be things like, a character in a state of partial undress at their vanity, a shower, doing anything during your private moments that is something that is not necessarily what you would do in public, because it is considered private or inappropriate? Kissing cards are also acceptable because even though it is not uncommon to do in public it is still a very intimate act (In some countries and cultures one would never kiss in public!) An example of how to make a moment that isn’t usually intimate one that is – “sitting and reading a book” isn’t really intimate – but if you spice it up somehow via what they are wearing, (negligee?) or where they are reading (in the bathtub?) then we could totally see it that way. So get creative. 

Remember our themes are often intended to push us outside of our comfort zones and to enable us to grow our skill sets. So thank you to those members that requested this theme as we all know it isn’t one we’ve seen in our group before and I’m sure some of us might learn a lot from it. LOL 

If ever in doubt just shoot me an email to ask a question. Send signups and any questions to [email protected] 


These monthly themes are intended as a CHALLENGE as well as a way to trade fabulous original art and bond our little art community. Please rise to the challenge and treat your fellow artists with respect by putting in your best efforts. If you are unwilling to put forth true effort then please do not apply to join!