ATCitupwithfriends: August 2019 – Steampunk

#ATCitupwithFriends is an ILLUSTRATION, Fantasy & Science Fiction focused Art Challenge – Trade Group

ATC Monthly Trade Events hosted by Pabkins.

THEME: Steampunk  

MAIL TO Host by:  Last day of August (or as long as it arrives to me by September 15th)

How to Request to Participate: You must either be an existing member of the ATCitupwithfriends community or have received an invite from Pabkins. Currently the monthly trade group is full and is for the time being by invitation only. However I do try to add new artists to the group from the wait list each month. So don’t be discouraged if you are new and hope to participate for the first time still fill out the form at the bottom to be placed on the wait list. Those invited please fill out the form as well. You will get a confirmation email within a few days. We have a monthly participation roster of about 100 artists each month so I appreciate your understanding.  email ATCitupwithfriends@gmail with questions.

  • ATCitupwithfriends now has an ongoing Art book series! 
  • All monthly card submissions now get scanned for possible inclusion in future books. So if you do not want to be included you must send a large note with your cards that says “DO NOT SCAN”. 
  • The signup form also will also confirm your email for our monthly email newsletter.


See Pabkins open envelopes each week on Tuesdays @ 1030AM PST on my TWITCH CHANNEL!

August’s THEME:


Your cards MUST feature a Steampunk inspired CHARACTER or SCENE. Landscapes are fine if it is a steampunk setting. It can be any kind of mashup with steampunk you want – Fantasy, Pirate, Science Fiction, Victorian, East meets West – we love creativity! – as long as it obviously fits the below definition of steampunk. I must mention this because the first time we did steampunk quite a few folks struggled with the theme/aesthetic and composition. Lack of effort cards or ones that do not correspond to the theme will not be swapped. That means do not draw a hand or random object with cogs floating around it. If you need any help many of us are available on the chat server to offer feedback!

  1. a genre of Science Fiction/Fantasy that typically features steam-powered machinery, clockwork and gears instead of advanced technology. Often combined with the Victorian era of fashion

Do you need some inspiration?

Check out this awesome Pinterest board!

If ever in doubt just shoot me an email to ask a question. Send signups and any questions to [email protected] 


These monthly themes are intended as a CHALLENGE as well as a way to trade fabulous original art and bond our little art community. Please rise to the challenge and treat your fellow artists with respect by putting in your best efforts. If you are unwilling to put forth true effort then please do not apply to join!