ATCitupwithfriends: September 2021 – Found Poetry

#ATCitupwithFriends is an ILLUSTRATION, Fantasy & Science Fiction focused Art Challenge – Trade Group hosted by Pabkins


How to Request to Participate:  You must read this Guidelines page! 

See Pabkins create some art & open ATCitUp envelopes each week on Mondays @ 10:30AM PST on my TWITCH CHANNEL!

Timeline and General info:

MAIL TO Host anytime: Try to complete and mail before the end of the following month. But as long as I receive it before I start swapping I will accept the cards. Since we are operating on extreme delay check the discord server for swapping status or message me directly on Instagram to find out if I’m close to swapping this. Currently as of September I have only begun swapping the January Ancient Egypt & February Masks theme, so it’s likely you have time to jump in.

Requirements: As always our normal standards apply of original 2.5 x 3.5 inch original hand drawn/colored/painted cards in your best efforts. I swap cards around based on composition, detail, and final execution. Empty backgrounds or people/objects with solid color for background, or head only cards are discouraged, please try for more. This community is made fabulous by everyone trying their best and being supportive and encouraging of each other’s growth.




Have you ever written a poem? Found a poem? Well this month you must create a bit of poetry from found words. The card of course must still be an original hand drawn illustration by you. The poem/line doesn’t need to follow any specific rules of poetry. It could be a sentence, a mix of words and phrases and no it doesn’t have to rhyme! Just as long as it it pieced together from cut out pieces of a book/magazine etc and NOT an entire sentence you cut just from one line of a page. Now that wouldn’t be fair would it? Having a hard time thinking how to approach this? You could perhaps create your card and then go on the hunt in an old book (that you don’t mind butchering to pieces) or magazines and clip out the words to glue onto the card. OMG did Pabkins say GLUE!? Yes I did. This month it is ok to glue LOL – but you are only gluing on the words you’ve found. You must still create the artwork yourself by hand. Might I suggest taking the old book or magazine (I really suggest a book written by an author who’s writing style you like and uses words that call out to you) then go through it and tear out a large handful of pages. Then cut out a lot of different words and parts of phrases, or a few words of a sentence and lay them all out. Then start to compose your little poem/line from all those snipped out words and bits of sentences.

Or you can take a page from a book, chop it down to ATC size and pick your words from it, make them POP and illustrate directly onto that bit of text filled paper.  I’m sure there are other approaches you could take. Get creative and if you need help or inspiration take a look at the pinterest board. Remember the artwork must still be of a person/place/thing – meaning it must be a drawing, NOT just a splattering of color/scribbles/zentangle/mandala on a background with words glued on top.

I am sure your question is, “does it have to have a specific theme?” No it does not – creating the found poetry to go with your illustration or your illustration to go with your found poetry IS the theme. This is just like any other month except basically the direction of your illustration’s theme/poem is determined by you. Because really combining illustrative art with poetry – That in itself is a huge challenge. But I know all of you are up for it!


Here is an example of the time we did FOUND POETRY back in 2018. So many wonderful poems and cards were made that year and I know this is a theme that many had hoped would return someday. So have fun and lets see what amazing things you can make.
Examples from the swap we did 3 years ago!
If ever in doubt or need some help just shoot me a DM or ask for feedback in our group Discord. Send signups to [email protected] 


These monthly themes are intended as a CHALLENGE as well as a way to trade fabulous original art and bond our little art community. Please rise to the challenge and treat your fellow artists with respect by putting in your best efforts. If you are unwilling to put forth true effort then please do not apply to join!